Friday, December 25, 2009


2007 PDR Features Three Tahitian Noni ProductsIf you’re looking for an incredibly well respected,highly trusted tool to promote Tahitian Noni® products with, look no further!

The 2007 edition of the Physician’s Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs is now available, and it features three powerful Tahitian Noni products:
* TAHITIAN NONI® Juice (pages 517 and 834)
* Tahitian Noni® Leaf Serum (pages 517 and 834)
* Tahitian Noni® Seed Oil (pages 517 and 833)

Physicians use this guide to help them determine which nonprescription products will work best for their patients. Were listed right along side brands like Bayer, Theraflu, Tylenol, Claritin, Vicks, Pepto-Bismol and many more.

What an incredible way to introduce your customers to Tahitian Noni products! If you’re looking for a way to build volume, the 2007 PDR should be a key tool in your arsenal.

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Pakar Kesehatan Berpendapat :

Pakar Kesehatan Berpendapat :
"Tahitian Noni Juice membantu proses penyembuhan pasien diabetes dengan 3 jalan : meningkatkan sekresi insulin pada pankreas, penyerapan glukosa pada jaringan dan mereduksi penyerapan glukosa pada dinding usus" (Dr. Djoko Maryono SpPD SpJK, Internist and Cardiologist)

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